Directed by Dimbeswar Gogoi About The Movie Dadagiri The Assamese best movies Dadagiri produced by PR Production and directed by Dimbeswar Gogoi. The show stars Prabir Rajkhowa, Rajiv Goswami, Geetavali Rajkumari, Munmi Fukan, Nirmali Bora, Karavi Sharma, Krishna Vidhan, Pradyut Pratim Fukan, Nirmali Bora, Karavi Sharma, Krishna Vidhan, Dr. Pradyut Pratim Barua et al. The movie takes place in a village in Assam. An acre of land and many thoughts associated with it. When aliens inhabit that ghost or land with some of themselves, there is some resistance in the minds of the little people. At this moment, “bullying” occurs. The film mostly talks about conflicts, love, laughter and tears in the country The poster of Dadagiri has been…
Category: Bengali Movies
Shri Swapankumarer Badami Hyenar Kobole bengali Full HD Movie 2024 Download/Review
Directed by Debaloy Bhattacharya About the film Kolkata is in danger as the brown hyena, an…